Getting what you want

Weekly Quote

“The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want. And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself. And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself. And the only way to be yourself is to listen to your heart and intuition.” – Mike Dooley

Weekly TimBit

Life’s Trade-offs

Today – you will make dozens of decisions. Today – you will receive the consequences of previous decisions. Tomorrow – you will make more decisions. Tomorrow – you will inherit the outcome of yesterday’s decisions.

Every time you make a trade-off you are learning the importance of making better choices now, so you can create a better lifestyle tomorrow and one that you dream of today.

Every day each of us makes a variety of choices and decisions. Some of those turn out to be positive while others turn out negative – but decide we must. We cannot escape the life responsibility of choosing and then acting out those choices/decisions and then inheriting the consequences either way.

Some of these choices or decisions will be insignificant in the long run; what you wear today – while others will have a tremendous impact on the quality of your life, relationships, financial status and over-all success and happiness – like the career you choose.

Every decision you make today from what you will eat to where you will live and work – with whom you will spend your life and what you do with your free time – will have consequences. Some of these consequences will seem to be positive in the present while others will appear to be negative. Some will be realized in the present while others may take years to come to fruition. None of us gets to see the consequences today of his/her choices and decisions before he/she actually makes them. How about you? Would you rather live your life forwards or backwards? We can however predict with some degree of accuracy what a person’s life will look like in the future. There are warning signs, indicators and/or factors that can be taken into account in the present and then extrapolated out into the future.

For example:

-Choose not to read and stretch your mind when you are young and it may not be there for you in your later life when you want it.

– Decide to improve your mind every day and you have a better chance it will work for you well into old age.

-Eat poorly today and you may end up with a variety of health problems tomorrow. Eat well in the present and you might just live to a healthy ripe old age.

-Surrounding yourself with people with negative habits vs. people of influence that help you grow.

-See yourself as a victim today and watch how people treat you later in life. Take full responsibility for the quality of your life in the present and you will live your senior years with the respect and confidence.

Question for the week

How are you handling the consequences of previous decisions? With responsibility? Blame? Whining? Courage?

Recommended Reading

The Trade-Off – Yours Truly

Make it a great week,
In His service,