What reason demands

Weekly Quote

“What does reason demand of a man? A very easy thing – to live in accord with his own nature.” Seneca

Weekly TimBit – The path of least resistance or the road less travelled?

Have you ever noticed that at certain times of your life everything seems to flow smoothly, while at other times, no matter what you do or don’t do, everything just seems to fall apart at the seams? I know the feeling, folks, believe me! Getting in the groove, however you define it, gives the appearance of being in a wonderful place in life, and spending time in a rut for the most part appears to just not be fun or rewarding. What are the causes, symptoms, results, consequences and positive or negative benefits of both? Yes, there are benefits to being in a rut, and negative consequences to being in the groove.

The path of least resistance doesn’t mean:

– you sit around and wait for your ship to come in

– you hope someone else will deliver success/happiness to your doorstep

– success will come because you have worked hard all of your life

-you are guaranteed whatever you want because you were born with the right genes

– you are guaranteed success because you were born into the right family

– you will easily get everything you want

– no bumps in the road

– everything has to be perfect every time or every day

The path of least resistance does mean:

– life is more fulfilling when you do what you love

– life is more fun when you control your emotions

– you will achieve more if you know what you want

– you roll just as easily with the curves as you do the straight-aways

– you enjoy the trip one day at a time

– you can’t do anything alone

– your outcomes are always up to you

Regardless, learn that every obstacle, plateau, bump in the road, achievement, failure, or success is not about what is happening – but what you are learning and how you are growing.

A few questions for the week

Are you in the groove right now, or are you struggling up the wall of a rut?

If you are in a rut today: ask yourself – how did I get here and what can I learn while I’m here?

If you are in the groove today: ask yourself – how did I get here and what do I need to learn while I’m here?

Recommended Reading

What Happy People Know, Baker

Make it a great week, In His service, Tim