Weekly Motivational Boosters

Quote for the week

“The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”
– Mark Twain

TimBit for the week

If you are not learning and growing every day you are most likely dissatisfied with your achievements and success. Happiness is not a goal but bringing a happy life outlook to all experiences. Success is not a goal but a byproduct of learning and growing. Inner peace is not achieved outside-in but inside-out. If you will develop the life philosophy that no matter how long you live you will dedicate yourself to improving something in you, every day, I’ll guarantee that sooner or later this effort, study, dedication will pay off in some way. Oh, it might not always add to your net worth or bank balance but it will improve your wisdom. Knowledge is information learned. Wisdom is the ability to use what you have learned in a positive and appropriate way to improve some aspect of your life.

Weekly question
Do you have a self-development plan for 2010?