“Tomorrow’s life is too late. Live today.”

Weekly Quote

“Tomorrow’s life is too late. Live today.” Martial

Weekly TimBit – Slowing down-

Have you ever stopped to think about the pace of your life and what it is all for? Let’s face it – we work to make money so we can spend money to live, eat, play, travel and have fun. Problem is, too many people are so stressed out that when they finally get on vacation or away for the weekend they can’t slow down quickly enough to enjoy the free time and before they know it, it is back to work to make more money so they can have another stress-filled vacation next year. Many people work for 50 weeks a year doing what they hate, dislike or just tolerate in order to have 2 weeks of bliss on vacation. Something is wrong with this picture folks. Or how about people who hate Monday’s. Ever stop to think that you will live one seventh of your life in Monday’s? Scary thought.

What exactly is slowing down? By this I don’t mean:

-sleeping in more

-working less every day or month

-taking more time off every week or year

-being less motivated

-not trying

-not pushing your limits

-not stretching your limitations

What I do mean is:

-enjoying what you do more, even the difficult parts

-taking in and enjoying your environment more often

-once a week taking an hour and pray, meditate or spending it in silence

-driving just a little slower than usual

-eating just a little slower than normal

-walking slower, talking slower, doing whatever – slower

So, why not consider the life benefits of slowing down. You may even want to consider stopping something entirely and not just slowing it down. Statistics have proven – people who have learned to slow down once in a while – live longer and enjoy life more and are happier!

Question for the week

Are you too busy to “stop and smell the roses?” as you live your life? If yes, why?

Recommended Reading

In The Flow of Life, Butterworth

Make it a great week, In His service, Tim