The value of silence

“Everywhere I go, there I am.”
~ Pogo

Too often people have a verbal knee-jerk reaction to other people, circumstances and situations that have the ability to “push” their emotional buttons. When we react too quickly without giving ourselves a few minutes to pause and organize our thoughts and feelings we may add even more stress and negative input to the situation than is already present.

If you would just stop for a few minutes each day and center yourself on your purpose, mission or objectives you will find that you will make better decisions, have fewer conflicts and generally less stress.

I realize that in the rush of a busy day you may not feel like you can afford the luxury of even a few minutes of silence – away from the maddening pace of your career, business or life in general. I can only tell you that if you will develop the practice of stopping several times a day – to relax, breathe deeply, close your eyes and picture a serene scene etc. even for just a minute that you will discover many of the following benefits. You will:

  1. Be in more control of your time.
  2. Feel less anxiety.
  3. Listen to others better.
  4. Have better control of your emotions.
  5. Feel less tired at the end of the day
  6. Better control your stressors.
  7. Find it easier to smile and laugh more.

These are just a few of the many benefits of taking the time to regain control over your day and your life as you move through the actions, decisions, trials, difficulties and opportunities that cross your path moment by moment.

I am not talking here about developing formal meditation periods during the day, although that is an excellent way to ensure a peaceful and centered approach to all of the issues you must confront. I am suggesting that you find times in your day for silence – no phones, no meetings, no horns, no conversations etc.

If you don’t have a place you can physically go to at least you can close your eyes and go to a special place in your mind. Mine is a quiet and deserted beach in the Caribbean and I visit there frequently each day.