Relationship Tips – A few questions

Words of wisdom for this week.

“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.”
– George Bernard Shaw

How about a few relationship questions this week. Please complete the following questions. Take your time, be honest and give them adequate consideration. Use a separate sheet for your answers. Both of you should complete these questions. I recommend that when you are both finished that you compare your answers and then discuss those areas where there are significant differences.

  1. What are the some personal weaknesses that you bring to relationships? Strengths? What does your partner bring?
  2. Do you tend to be over critical of your partner?
  3. Are you generally accepting of your partner’s traits, qualities, attitudes and opinions?
  4. Do you love yourself unconditionally? Accept yourself for who you are and who you are becoming? Does your partner love and accept him or herself?
  5. How would you define love? Friendship? Infatuation? How would your partner define it?
  6. Do you freely and consistently share your feelings with your partner?
  7. Do you tend to see yourself as a victim in life? Does your partner?
  8. Is it easy or difficult for you to forgive your partner?
  9. Do you like to be alone with yourself?
  10. Can you spend time doing nothing?
  11. Do you communicate with integrity? Does your partner?
  12. Is the fun or passion missing in your relationship? If so, why?
  13. Do you and your partner spend enough quality time together?
  14. Do you have a safe relationship with your partner where you can be honest with your fears, feelings without the fear of criticism or judgment?
  15. Are you considerate and thoughtful of your partner? How about them for you?
  16. Do you know the emotional, physical and spiritual needs and desires of your partner? Does your partner know yours?
  17. Do you consider yourself flexible and willing to compromise? How about your partner?
  18. Do both of you show admiration for each other?
  19. Is trust in your relationship: high – low – non-existent – getting better – getting worse?
  20. Do you and your partner play and laugh a lot together?
  21. How would you describe how you and your partner handle disagreements and or conflict?
  22. Are money, careers, children, in-laws an issue in your relationship? Why? How?
  23. What would you like your partner to change if they would or could? What would they like you to change?
  24. Do you have common goals that you are both working toward?
  25. Do you and your partner work on your relationship as hard as you do your career or raising children?

So How did the two of you do?