Mid-Week Motivational Boosters – 9/8/10

Quote for the week
“All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.”
~ Juvenal

Tim-bit for the week
The sting of failure sooner or later touches everyone regardless of their background, financial status, age or gender. The fear of failure is a common attitude that almost everyone brings to life and all its uncertainty as the years unfold. No one is immune to the consequences of plans gone wrong, dreams left behind, goals unfulfilled, hopes dashed or desires left unfulfilled.

Sound negative? Well most people see failure as a negative life experience to avoid but I ask you to see failure in a different light, as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Reading assignment
What Happy People Know, Baker

Weekly question
How do you define failure?

Copyright: 8/2010 – Tim Connor, CSP