Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor

Weekly Quote
“If I fail it will be for lack of ability and not of purpose.”
~ Lincoln

Weekly TimBit
I have often felt like quitting. As I have considered my options I realized that quitting, in the long run would be more costly than sticking with something. I have always remembered the advice of my first sales manager over 45 years ago. He said “It always costs more to fail than to succeed.” He went on to tell me that, “you have to get more comfortable with where you want to be than where you are.” I have never forgotten these tremendous words of counsel.

Several years ago I heard my dear friend, the late Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones say in one of his speeches, that he wanted to quit also, but that he didn’t really want to quit, he just wanted to want to quit.” I hope that makes sense to you. It did to me.

Question for the week
Want to quit something today? If so why?

Recommended reading
Freedom From Fear, Matteson (available on my website)