Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor Dec. 8, 2010

Weekly Quote
“While we live, let us live.”
~ D.H. Lawrence

Weekly TimBit
Each of us as we travel through life into our very personal future follows our own unique path. As we day by day make this journey we make a variety of choices, decisions as well as take any number of actions – some positive, some negative, some better some worse than others. But, at the end – the end of the day or the end of a life we have all created the tapestry of our lives one day and one choice at a time.

It is unfortunate that many people do not have a clue as to where they want to end up, what they want to see or the roads they want to take. Yes, many of these people may say they are “on the right path,” but that is often their ego’s need to protect itself from the criticism or judgments of others. In reality many of these people don’t have a clue where they are going or why so they just trudge forward another day until they come to that time or place that speaks to them so loudly they can no longer ignore or avoid it’s counsel: YOU ARE TRAVELING ALONG THE WRONG PATH. YOU ARE GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. THE TIME TO CHANGE COURSE IS NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Question for the week
Is the path you are giving you the satisfaction and contentment that you desire?

Recommended reading
Life is Short, Live, Laugh and Love While You Can, Yours truly