Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor – 6/15/11

Weekly Quote
“I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it.”
~ Jonathan Winters

Weekly TimBit
You tend to bring into your life that which is consistent with your focus. You can either focus on what is not working or what is; what you don’t have or you do; what you want or what you don’t; what you believe in or don’t. There is a great line (can’t remember where I heard it, just know I am not taking credit for it) that says: be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.

One of my favorite quotes is by Arthur Ashe. He said, “True greatness is: starting where you are, using what you have and doing what you can.” Most winners in life are grateful for their blessings, and focus on what they want, have and can do. By the same token, most losers focus on what is missing, where they are not and on what they can’t do.

Question for the week
Do you consistently focus on what you want or what you don’t want with mental self-talk?

Recommended reading
Psych-Cybernetics, Maltz