Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor – 1/26/11

Weekly Quote
“Courage consists, not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing and conquering it.”
~ Richter

Weekly TimBit
Is the glass half full or half empty? Will this product, policy, strategy work or fail? Can I really achieve my dreams or am I living in fantasy-land? These and hundreds of questions are asked every day by well meaning and hard working people in all walks of life.

Lionel Tiger in his great book, Optimism, the Biology of Hope, written over 30 years ago discusses how optimism impacts a person’s attitudes, outlook, success and health. He suggests that people who are less optimistic about life, the present and the future tend to get sick more frequently and often die sooner. In the book, Learned Optimism by Segleman, he discusses how each of us begins every project, activity, task, relationship, career etc. with either a YES or a NO. YES I can and I will or NO I can’t and I won’t.

Question for the week
Do you bring a yes or a no to each of life’s circumstances?

Recommended reading
Fail Often So You Can Succeed Sooner, Connor & Mitchell