Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor 1/5/11

Weekly Quote
“The real difference between men is energy.”
~ Thomas Fuller

Weekly TimBit
Determination: You have it or you don’t. You use it or you don’t. It is either a part of your emotional make up or it isn’t. You believe in your destiny, mission or purpose or you don’t. You have faith in the fulfillment of your dreams or you don’t. You work through issues, challenges, problems, failure and adversity or you don’t. You trust yourself to take right actions and make right decisions or you don’t. You believe in greatness, abundance, happiness and success or you don’t. You never settle for less, second best, losing or you don’t. You try one new strategy, approach, action or you don’t. You stay with it until it works regardless of whether the outcome looked similar to your plan or you don’t. You try something new, original or creative or you don’t. You count your blessings or you don’t. You are a survivor or you are not.

You enjoy the process of learning, becoming, achieving rather than just the outcome or you don’t.

Question for the week
Do you do everything that is important to you with determination?

Recommended reading
Success is a Decision, Yours truly