Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor – 12/1/10

Weekly Quote
“Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so.”
~ Mill

Weekly TimBit
Living inside out. My first book of self-help fiction titled The Voyage, was about how to learn to live life from the inside-out vs. the outside in. Several people after reading the book asked me what I meant by that concept.

Inside out means taking the responsibility for the quality of your life i.e., its successes, failures, achievements, outcomes, risks, happiness, financial position, lifestyle, relationships etc. People who live outside-in turn the responsibility for their happiness, success, failures etc. over to someone or something outside of themselves. They blame the weather, government, spouses, the economy, their company or organization, where they live, their parents – the list goes on and on.

I don’t know where I will be in ten years in various areas of my life, but one thing I know for sure, wherever it is, I will have put me there as a result of my thoughts, actions, beliefs, behaviors and so on.

Question for the week
Are you living inside-out or outside–in?

Recommended reading
The Voyage, Yours truly