Mid-Week Motivation Booster – 11/10/10

Weekly Quote
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Weekly TimBit
What’s your hurry?

Everywhere I look I see people rushing through life. They rush to meetings and appointments and back to their offices again. They eat fast, drive fast, talk fast and make love fast. They rush to the seminar on meditation to learn how to relax and to the health club to rush through their workout. All this rushing to and fro is done in the name of progress, success and getting ahead. Each of us, according to statistics, gets about 75 years on this earth. That’s 27,325 days give or take a few, to work, play, travel, grow, sleep, love and a whole host of misc. activities. Hurrying doesn’t get you any more days and it can even give you less – less success, less time for what really matters in life and fewer accomplishments. Oh yes you might get a lot done, but at what price?

Question for the week
Is your life filled with too much stuff causing you to lose the joy of each day?

Recommended reading
Waking Up in Time, Russell