Do you need a career coach?

Words of wisdom for this week.

“If you think the cost of education is expensive, try the cost of ignorance.”
~ Bok

Can a personal coach accelerate you’re your career progress? Everyone who has ever achieved greatness had help – outside and non-partial guidance to help them break through barriers, resistance and factors in their history that could be sabotaging their future success and see opportunities with a clear vision, courage and passion.

Here are the 13 primary contributors to circumstances that cause us to feel out of control, stressed or uncertain that can get in their way as they travel down their career path.

  1. Resistance to change.
  2. A feeling of being stuck or a victim mindset.
  3. An unwillingness to re-invent yourself or your business.
  4. A lack of a creative or innovative life outlook.
  5. Letting the past determine your future.
  6. A lack of an effective, practical, workable and accountable plan, actions, goals and strategies.
  7. The temporary or permanent loss of passion, self-belief or confidence.
  8. Indecision – a wait and see attitude. An inaction approach to uncertain circumstances.
  9. Feeling dominated by fear or a lack of self-trust.
  10. Emotionally or mentally closed to outside-in viewpoints, answers or methods.
  11. Personal blind spots often caused by ego dominance.
  12. A sense of entitlement – the world owes you.
  13. Inconsistent integration, application, action and follow-through.

Any of the above resonate with you as you live and work from day to day?

There is a simple and an effective solution to all of the above – A “Throw away the box” coaching process.

Do you need to reinvent yourself or reignite your career, your dreams, your business or yourself?

Are you struggling with the uncertainty of your life, career or business circumstances?

Do you need a motivational ‘shot in the arm’ to overcome your current life challenges?

Are you feeling stressed about your current circumstances and what could be next for you?

Do you need to cultivate and develop new skills attitudes or behaviors?

Are you able to take back control of your life on your own or is it time for some outside expert guidance and a personal development process that will re-charge your confidence, optimism and your passion?

Each of us at different times in life, struggles with uncertainty, discouragement or the fear of the unknown. No one is immune to life’s problems, adversities and trials. There are only two ways to go through anything in your life that is causing you fear, discouragement or uncertainty:

One. Struggle, whine, complain, feel like a victim or stuck or just out of control therefore turning your life, your happiness, your success and your future over to others or external conditions that seem uncertain.

Two. Hire a personal coach, mentor, guide, counselor or advisor who can help you stay focused, inspired and motivated giving you new insights, approaches and helping you eliminate your personal blind spots that may be getting in your way and help you chart a more rewarding and successful course into the future.

Once you decide you are ready to take your career, life or business to the next level and take advantage of this personal and career development approach, all that’s left is to commit to your on-going personal growth.

Keep in mind that a personal coach is a guaranteed way to achieve your career goals, dreams and potential. But you have to be ready, willing and able to learn and grow. Are you?

People resist coaching for one of five reasons;

  1. Ego – they can do it alone – they don’t need help.
  2. Fear – uncertainty about their willingness to grow and change.
  3. Indecision – should I or shouldn’t I?
  4. Arrogance – I am as good as I need to be.
  5. Outside influences – Letting others tell them what they should or shouldn’t do.

Any one of these are signals that hiring a coach is a wise career decision.

I currently have 2 open coaching positions in my schedule as I limit the number of clients I take on each year to only ten. If you have an interest, give me a call.