Commitment and determination go hand in hand

Words of wisdom for this week.

“When the fight begins with himself, a man’s worth something.”
~ R. Browning

People by the millions are bailing out of jobs, careers, businesses, relationships and life in general. Many of these people lack commitment to a cause, lifestyle, purpose, or outcome. When it gets a little tough, uncomfortable, or they don’t get the results they thought they would as quickly as they thought they should, their response is, “I’m outa here.”

By commitment I am not suggesting you should endure an abusive relationship, continue to work for an organization they treats you unprofessionally or hold on to a business that has been long dead and buried. I am suggesting however that you consider your attitude about this concept. Is bailing out your knee jerk reaction to difficult times, a failure, a stressful period in a relationship, continuous problems or a bad year?

Many people today seem to lack any sense of real commitment and responsibility. Everyone wants to blame someone or something for their problems or adversity. Difficult times can build strength, character and can give you a real “high” when you overcome them. You cheat yourself of this sense of accomplishment when things are easy.

Life is not meant to be easy but living it is. The key to remember is that what is happening isn’t really that important. There will always be “negative stuff” in your business, career, relationships and life in general. The secret is to understand that it isn’t what is happening ‘out there’ in the world but what is happening ‘inside’ in your inner world of thought, feelings and consciousness.

There is a tremendous benefit to sticking it out when life throws you curves. These times can be the most creative, motivating and provide you with a tremendous opportunity for growth. Change in status in any business, career, relationship brings with it both the need and benefit of new thinking and acting.

To avoid these times by quitting, you rob yourself of this joy of winning and learning.

How committed are you in all areas of your life? Are you considering throwing in the towel? Have you experienced ‘more than you can handle’ issues. Does it seem as if life is picking on you? Join the club my friend. Everyone has issues, problems, or stuff in their life. It comes with the territory.

But, you have a choice you can look down and see the mud or look up and see the sun. You can give up, quit and move on or you can draw a line in the sand saying, “this is where I make my stand.” Just think of how many opportunities are missed because people quit one day, week or month or even year too soon.

Don’t let it happen to you. Commit, go for it, never give up, believe in your dreams, future and life.

What does determination mean to you?

Is it sticking it out in tough times? Never quitting no matter what? Believing in yourself and your personal mission? Hanging in there regardless of the odds? Leaving the back door unlocked just in case?

I am always fascinated with textbook definitions. They so often only tell part of the story. Mr. Webster says determination is: “the quality of being resolute, firmness of purpose, the act of coming to a conclusion or resolving something, the settlement of a dispute,” there is more but the more I read, the more confused I get.

But you can see that one word can have different meanings or interpretations. Just pick the one you want.

I believe there is much more to words than their definitions. ‘It’s just a word.’ Often you need to dig deeper into the hidden meanings or subtlety of a word. I look at the word more as a concept than a string of several letters blended together.

Determination: You have it or you don’t. You use it or you don’t. It is either a part of your emotional make up or it isn’t. You believe in your destiny, mission or purpose or you don’t. You have faith in the fulfillment of your dreams or you don’t. You work through issues, challenges, problems, failure and adversity or you don’t. You trust yourself to take right actions and make right decisions or you don’t.

You believe in greatness, abundance, happiness and success or you don’t. You never settle for less, second best, losing or you do. You try one new strategy, approach, action or you don’t. You stay with it until it works regardless of whether the outcome looked similar to your plan or you don’t. You try something new, original or creative or you don’t. You count your blessings or you don’t. You are a survivor or you are not.

You enjoy the process of learning, becoming, achieving rather than just the outcome or you don’t.

I could go on like this forever but I’m sure you need to get to work. Determination- ((De///termination)) – Terminate and De (not) – -not terminate.

How are you doing these days? Things a little tough right now? Or are you reaping the results of your previous determination? Either way, keep the vigil. You can’t ever let up. Life won’t let you. The moment you do, you invite life’s scorn, wrath and another opportunity for failure, disappointment and pain.