“Sabotaging Monopolies” Minneapolis Fed Researchers Charge HUD-Collusion w/Builders to “Sabotage” Manufactured Housing Independents “Created U.S. Housing Crisis”-Fuels Homelessness, Harms Minorities, Taxpayers, Others

James A. Schmitz Jr., Arilton Teixeira, and Mark L. J. Wright, published and provided the power point slide presentation that follows as one of the references in a 2020 published Minneapolis Federal Reserve report on the harm caused by monopolistic practices. The Schmitz-Teixeira-Wright trio cite classic antitrust (i.e.: antimonopoly) arguments … Continue reading “Sabotaging Monopolies” Minneapolis Fed Researchers Charge HUD-Collusion w/Builders to “Sabotage” Manufactured Housing Independents “Created U.S. Housing Crisis”-Fuels Homelessness, Harms Minorities, Taxpayers, Others